Main subject: Sports
related subject: Sports
Duration: 90 minutes.
Age groups: Age 12
Submitted by: Wiebke Drath

Learning objectives:

Strengthening the orientation ability, work with the Application, work on condition while being controlled.

Implemented digital tools:

Action Bound

Supported digital competence for student:

Information and data literacy, Communication and collaboration

Elaboration of the competences:

-> download App, -> upload information (answer, pictures) -> use google map -> take pictures and selfies -> work in a team and solve problems


Letter for parents to receive the permission to install the application, to bring thei device and to use their personal data for a certain amount of time


The description of the program is already explained in the class last week. -> check the devices -> check the teams which got set up with an UR- Code -> check the bikes and helmets


Students start in teams their action bound, every three minutes a team starts. They follw the work order which is clearly described in the program


Students upload their answers and receive a final response what place they made during the treasure hunt “action bound” Next lesson- students find their own bound and create an Action bound for others.

Implemented needed devices: