Main subject: Languages
related subject: Math, Science, ICT, Geography, History, Religion/ethics
Duration: 80 minutes.
Age groups: Age 10, Age 11, Age 12
Submitted by: Jónína Margrét Guðbjartsdóttir, Iceland

Learning objectives:

To learn how to use the Jamboard app. To learn how to use a digital tool to create a concept map. To learn how to work together to create a concept map.

Implemented digital tools:

The Jamboard app for computers/Chromebooks.

Supported digital competence for student:

Information and data literacy, Communication and collaboration

Elaboration of the competences:

Information and data literacy by searching for information from a movie the class has seen together or from a book that the class has read together. Communication and collaboration by working together to create a concept map.


The teacher needs to try out the Jamboard app beforehand and make sure that she/he knows the basics of it. The teacher has to create an assignment for students, for example how to write a character description or to describe the storyline or how to express one’s opinion about a movie/a book.


1) The teacher explains the assignment to students: what are they to do and what to look out for. 2) The teacher tells about the book or the movie depending on what the class has been working on before. 3) The teacher shows how the Jamboard app works by demonstrating how to use stickers and textboxes, how to add pictures and use markers.


1) Students get their computers/Chromebooks and open the Jamboard app. 2) The students start collaborating together and choosing characters and describing them. The will also describe the storyline and say what they thought about the movie/the book. 3) The students start using the app and adding pictures, textboxes, stickers and drawings. The students work together to create concept maps. 4) Steps two (2) and three (3) can be done at the same time and this will take about 50 minutes.


The students show their Jamboards to the class at the end of the lesson.

Implemented needed devices:

Teachers and students need a computer/a Chromebook with an internet connection. The teacher needs a projector.