Main subject: Science
related subject: Math, Science
Duration: 60 minutes.
Age groups: Age 10, Age 11, Age 12
Submitted by: Sascha Abraham
Learning objectives:
The students can organize their knowledge of a certain topic with a concept map
Implemented digital tools:
cmaps, computer/laptop
Supported digital competence for student:
Information and data literacy, Digital content creation
Elaboration of the competences:
The students organize their knowledge in a concept map that links key aspects of the topic to help them summarize and close a topic.
End of a topic. Every student must have acces to a laptop/computer
Teacher’s lecture about the programm cmaps and its basic functions.
The Students develop a concept map to the given topic. Keywords may be given as a help.
The students compare their finished concept maps on a front screen. the discuss differences, reflect their own concept map and maybe change/improve it.