Main subject: PE
related subject: Music
Duration: 60 minutes.
Age groups: Age 12
Submitted by: Drath, Hermanussen
Learning objectives:
Students learn the basics of gambol jump in cooperation with other students while using “digital stationwork” as a method in the lesson.
Implemented digital tools:
Book Creator; video delay
Supported digital competence for student:
Communication and collaboration
Elaboration of the competences:
The digital stationwork excercise provides appropriate guidelines for the lesson, the feedback application helps students to correct themselves and shows how synchronised their movement was.
Structure a digital stationwork learning exercise including videos, exercises and a description, install the application in all devices to be used. Reserve one device for each group.
Show students how the digital book works and how to use video delay.
Divide the class into groups, everything else will be done by students, the teacher assists during the lesson if necessary.
The class gives a short feedback on the application and shows how far they got in the lesson. The lesson is to be continued.
Implemented needed devices:
An iPad or a tablet, no internet connection needed.