Main subject: History
related subject: Science, Languages, ICT
Duration: 120 minutes.
Age groups: Age 10, Age 11, Age 12
Submitted by: Elva Díana, Wiebke and Sari

Learning objectives:

Finding information, critical reading, forming a timeline.

Implemented digital tools:

Timeline 3D App

Supported digital competence for student:

Information and data literacy, Communication and collaboration, Digital content creation

Elaboration of the competences:

Information and data literacy: searching the web, collecting essential information and evaluating if it´s correct and trustworthy. Communication and collaboration: Students work together in groups of two. Digital content creation: Using the app to make a digital timeline.


Teachers show an example of a short timeline. Present the exercise (PPP). Box with inventions. Simple instructions on how to use the app (used as an hint). Two students with one device, internet access needed and app Timeline 3D needed. Students need to know how to store pictures and videos.


Start with the presentation of a timeline and instructions and then students make pairs (for example:app wheeldecide).


Students choose an invention and then they start to look for information on the web, library, etc. They create the timeline.


Students present the invention and inventer on their timeline. Afterwards students give feedback.

Implemented needed devices:

ipad, internet access.