Main subject: Languages
related subject: Art
Duration: 90 minutes.
Age groups: Age 10, Age 11, Age 12
Submitted by: Sari Hepola, Finland

Learning objectives:

Students learn to tell stories with a plot in the form of a short comic. They learn how to express feelings by the means of creating a comic. They learn how to share a short message by using speech and thought bubbles. They learn new vocabulary.

Implemented digital tools:

Webpage (and a web translator).

Supported digital competence for student:

Digital content creation

Elaboration of the competences:

Students create digital comics by using the webpage The webpage has a huge amount of ready made scenes, characters etc. The students choose the scenes and characters, edit them as needed and fill in the speech and thought bubbles. The result will be an impressive comic strip that can be shared digitally.


The teacher *collects examples of short comic strips from comic books or from the internet. *prepares a slide show with instructions how to use *prepares and copies plot charts for the students. *organises the digital devices into the classroom.


1. The teacher shows some examples of short comics to the students. Then the teacher explains the plot chart to the students (if they don’t know it already) and how the plot can be seen in a comic. The students define the plots of the comics shown earlier with the help of the teacher and/or by themselves. 2. The teacher introduces to the students and shows them how it is used.


3. The students get some time to get to know They get to test its features. 4. The students start choosing scenes and characters for their comic. 5. The students fill in the plot chart. 6. The students work on their comic according to the plot chart. 7. The students take screenshots of their comics and save them on to their personal drives (or similar).


7. The students show their comics to their classmates. 8. The group discusses and gives feedback: Was there a plot in the comic? How were the means of comics used? What does the comic strip look like technically? What feelings does the comic evoke?

Implemented needed devices:

The teacher needs a computer with an internet access and a big screen to display the instructions for the students. The students need a computer/a laptop/a tablet device with an internet access per person or pair.