Main subject: Crafts
related subject: Art, Geography, History
Duration: 180 minutes.
Age groups: Age 12
Submitted by: Kaire Kollom-Vahtra, Estonia

Learning objectives:

* Paper and its history * How paper was made in the old days and how it is made today * Learning about recycling: for the production of waste paper collected waste paper is used * We make new paper manually and then make a Valentine’s Day card from it * Consolidate and strengthen knowledge through on-the-job training * Working individually and cooperating with others * Practice patience * How to use a smart device and take pictures of one’s creations * Create a picture collage from your card * Consolidate knowledge of how to send it to teachers

Implemented digital tools:

Video viewing environment (, image collage environment ( IrfanView or FastStone Image Viewer e.g.)

Supported digital competence for student:

Information and data literacy, Digital content creation, Safety

Elaboration of the competences:

*Students learn by watching, doing and collaborating *Knowledge of using a smart device and how to make a picture collage *The final outcome will be the student’s own creation *Sharing their creation with others


*The teacher must search for an instructional video or make it himself/herself *The teacher must create a model for students to work on; templates of a Valentine’s Day card *The class must have necessary devices to watch the video repeatedly – a computer or a smart device with internet access. *The teacher must prepare a web board such as IrfanView or FastStone, so the students can create their own PicCollage *Everything must be ready on the tables In the classroom for the creative work to start *Tablets or smart phones with an internet connection (at least one per pair) must be available to take a picture for sending or uploading it.


*The class teacher has already studied and taught history of paper in the previous lesson. *Help students find a place where they can modify their picture and open it. *Help students learn about the basics of the PicCollage.


*At the beginning of the crafts lesson, the crafts teacher asks students to share what they remember about the history of paper *The students work individually, cut the paper into pieces and soak it in water *The paper is crushed in a blender and strained through a sieve, placed on a dry newspaper and eventually decorated *The crafts teacher is in the classroom to support and guide the students when needed


*Once the selfmade paper and the Valentine’s Day card made out of it is ready, the card must be photographed *The students make their own PicCollage and an e-card and send it to the teachers * At the end of the lesson students present their completed works and provide feedback on their progress. *Each student can reflect on their results and discuss what was easy and what was difficult about the project.

Implemented needed devices:

An iPad or a device with an internet connection.