Main subject: Languages
related subject: Music, Art, ICT
Duration: 180 minutes.
Age groups: Age 10, Age 11, Age 12
Submitted by: Kelly, Odinn, Sascha
Learning objectives:
Speaking, Storytelling, Storywriting, Collaboration
Implemented digital tools:
Toontastic, IPad/Tablet
Supported digital competence for student:
Communication and collaboration, Digital content creation
Elaboration of the competences:
The students first write a story (at home) and then tell the story by creating a cartoon with the App Toontastic.
Earlier lessons must include basic competences in storytelling. How long should a story be, which parts must be in it. What makes a story interesting? One IPad per group has the App Toontastic. Organize private places for the groups to work in.
Create an example cartoon in front of the class like a walkthrough. (At the first time drawing your own background, characters are not allowed.) Information about story arcs. (Setup, Conflict, Challenge, Climax, Resolution)
Students write a story, that they must hand in with their cartoon. Create a cartoon fitting to the written story. Students/Groups must split to a private place.
Presentation of the cartoons with a description of the process and their thoughts and difficulties.