Main subject: Languages
related subject: Art
Duration: 40 minutes.
Age groups: Age 10, Age 11, Age 12
Submitted by: Pasi Kallio Finland
Learning objectives:
Practise typing skills; practise story writing
Implemented digital tools:
Tablets or phones with an internet connection
Supported digital competence for student:
Communication and collaboration, Digital content creation
Elaboration of the competences:
Story typing on a computer with graphic illustration of the story; reading the story aloud for audio for teacher to evaluate
Reservation of tablets; registration for teacher at
The story writing is planned to last the entire lesson, so no introduction save for obtaining the pass code to access Storybird.
The object of the lesson is to type either an individual story, or work in pairs to type a story. For illustration and inspiration, pupils use the database of more than 10,000 images found at
Once the story is finished and illustrated, pupils can turn their typed writing to audio. Finally, they submit their stories to the teacher for evaluation. The story has to be finished in one lesson.