Main subject: History
related subject: ICT
Duration: 30 minutes.
Age groups: Age 11, Age 12
Submitted by: Pasi Kallio Finland

Learning objectives:

To increase knowledge of the Finnish Winter War

Implemented digital tools:

No internet connection necessary, but everyone should have the Edpuzzle app installed; tablets or mobile deviced

Supported digital competence for student:

Information and data literacy, Communication and collaboration, Digital content creation, Problem solving

Elaboration of the competences:

Critical educational video watching skills; simultaneous attentiveness to historical questions; collaborative digital content creation


Reservation of tablets; installation of the EdPuzzle software


A reading of a chapter that deals with the Winter War


The teacher has uploaded a video of their own making that deals with the Finnish Winter War of 1939–1940 on the interface. On the video that was originally on Youtube, teacher has made some editing of images, voiceovers, and cut the video to suit the pupils age level and knowledge skills. At the end of the video, teacher has five key questions that they address to the pupils. The pupils watch the video made by the teacher. Teacher keeps track of the progress of video watching among pupils through their own screen. After the watching is finished, teacher creates “a room” with Edpuzzle to which pupils return their own videos that they will record in small groups. Their objective is to give video answers to the teachers questions that the teacher posed at the end of their video.


The pupils’ videos will be watched together in class, and after each answer to a question has been listened to, teacher gives the correct answer. Finally, teacher can give silent typed individual feedback to the pupils via the Edpuzzle room they have created. Homework.

Implemented needed devices: