Main subject: Languages
related subject: Languages, History
Duration: 120 minutes.
Age groups: Age 10, Age 11, Age 12
Submitted by: Elva Díana, Iceland

Learning objectives:

Students learn how to use proverbs and phrases in writing and acquire a deeper meaning of them.

Implemented digital tools:

Quizlet, Google Docs and Google Classroom

Supported digital competence for student:

Information and data literacy

Elaboration of the competences:

Information and data literacy by learning how to use phrases and proverbs in writing.


A continuation to the lesson plan “proverbs and phrases”; teach “proverbs and phrases” first as a preparation prior to this lesson. Use the search engine on this site and look for “proverbs and phrases” Write a task description. Students are supposed to write a story. They have to think about characters, a storyline and where the story takes place and use five proverbs and one phrase from a Quizlet study set.


Introduce the task description to students. The students write down their character and what the story is about and choose the proverbs and the phrase they are going to use in their writing..


Students work on their stories. The teacher will help with the right use of the proverbs and phrases.


Students finish their stories and return them to the teacher in Google Classroom. If time allows students can read out their stories in class.

Implemented needed devices:

A Cromebook (preferable because of a keyboard) or a tablet.