Main subject: Science
related subject: Languages, ICT, Geography, Crafts
Duration: 90 minutes.
Age groups: Age 10, Age 11, Age 12
Submitted by: Tytti Lankinen, Finland

Learning objectives:

Students learn about the Earth hour, environmental themes and about recycling.

Implemented digital tools:

Teacher needs a computer with an internet connection and a screen. iPads or computers to play a recycling game. (Students can alternatively use computers or iPads). A recycling game Starfall (2).

Supported digital competence for student:

Information and data literacy, Communication and collaboration, Safety, Problem solving.

Elaboration of the competences:

Students learn by watching, doing and hearing all of the themes mentioned above.


Teacher prints out a template of the earth, cuts black cardboard to size A4. Thick needles and blue and green stickers to each student. Teacher should prepare a model of the craft (pinterest). Teacher opens up computer sites 1. Js (an introduction to the theme: Earth day Ray Corp ) 2. (recycling game) 3. (Song, earth day 2019, Michael Knight) See examples of craft work :


Students open the recycling game Starfall (2) on their iPads or computers (duration 5-10 minutes). Then they start the craft work. Teacher shows the model so that students get the idea quicker. Teach the way of working; attach the earth template above the black paper with a sticker. Stick the needle along the lines through the black and white paper all the way through the lines of the globe and the text. When finished, take the template away and place the completed works onto a window. Students will be able to see how light comes through the needle holes. You may show the third youtube link which is a song if students want a break. If somebody is quicker and finishes early, he/she may write a little text about saving the planet or recycling and glue it below the black paper.


Stick all the works side by side onto a window, read out the little texts if students had time to write them.

Implemented needed devices: