Main subject: Geography
related subject: History
Duration: 45 minutes.
Age groups: Age 12
Submitted by: Jana Hermanussen, Germany
Learning objectives:
Students learn about basic human needs in a certain geographical area (basic needs). Students create and structure their knowledge of basic needs in a concept map.
Implemented digital tools:
A digital device with a MindMap App (or a similar app to make concept maps). Internet connection is not necessary. If there are not enough devices for everyone, two students can work together as a pair and share a device.
Supported digital competence for student:
Information and data literacy, Communication and collaboration, Digital content creation
Elaboration of the competences:
Students structure a concept map with key aspects of basic needs and add their own experiences. Learn how to make a concept map.
Students must have access to a digital device with a concept map programme, possibly working in pairs.
Students develop a concept map and add things and activities. The main keywords have to be basic needs. If necessary the teacher gives a short presentation on the app in question.
Students present and compare their finished concept maps and give feedback to each other. In a short conclusion every student can reflect upon their own results and elaborate on them.