Main subject: Sports
related subject:
Duration: 40 minutes.
Age groups: Age 11, Age 12
Submitted by: Wiebke Drath, Germany

Learning objectives:

Students will learn the right technique in high jump through video delay

Implemented digital tools:

Video delay

Supported digital competence for student:

Problem solving

Elaboration of the competences:

While students exercise the „Video delay app“ gives them instant visual feedback on what they are doing, hands free.


An iPad or a tablet, a box to put the iPad on. A high jump station.


A work out and training high jump (students will see their own jumps with video delay). A discussion about their techniques (face to face/ in a small group). After estimating where his/her possible mistake in the technique is, students try again with the help of feedback (slow motion & a closer view). An extra possibility: students give feedback on each other’s techniques during the high jump exercise.


Students find their best way to come as close to the perfect technique as possible.

Implemented needed devices: