Main subject: Science
related subject: Science, Languages, Art, ICT, Geography, History, Religion/ethics
Duration: 60 minutes.
Age groups: Age 11, Age 12
Submitted by: Jari Koukkumäki Finland

Learning objectives:

Students learn new ways to present their work and collaborate with others

Implemented digital tools:

Students need mobile devices (pads preferably). One need internet connection while presenting the finished work. One doesn’t necessarily need internet connection while making content but still recommended if need content from the Internet.

Supported digital competence for student:

Information and data literacy, Communication and collaboration, Digital content creation, Safety, Problem solving

Elaboration of the competences:

Students need information from the Internet when making content that requires data literacy skills. The slide show is made in collaboration with others and communication skills are improved. The outcome of the Slide show is digital content and sharable with others. The students need to understand how it is safe to search information from the Internet (data literacy) and also to whom share the work with. There are lots of different kind of problem solving involving by using the tool.


Before the lesson starts the student should have done some preparation about their topic in hand; mindmapping and notes and the idea how to represent the work. The same topic is given to group of three.


The Google Slides tool should be rather familiar to students, the basics of how to insert files, pictures and videos. The students are divided the groups of three depending their topic (all 3 have the same). The individuals of the group work in different parts of school and communicate only via Google Slide tool.


Students start working with their topics on their own with Google slide tool and share their incomplete work with others in the group so all can follow how the others are doing by sending comments. Students communicate only via tool comment fields. The goal is to collaborate to make all 3 presentation as good as possible.


The group gets back in classroom and show their outcome to other groups. That can also happen in next lesson or when all groups are finished their work.

Implemented needed devices: