Create a map telling secrets about local heritage or one covering multiple countries. You can choose to set points on the map through the app or set them manually in browser editor. Your guests have access to maps which hold the secrets unknown until today. User feedback and statistics available for map creator. Promote local small businesses by bringing them visitors.
- Website:
- What kind of tool is it? App
- The tool is made for: Android, iOS
- Cost involved? Free with limitation
- Digital competences for students: Communication and collaboration, Digital content creation
- Related to subjects: Science, Sports
- Age groups: Age 8-9, Age 10-12, Age 13-15, Age 16+
- Devices needed: Teacher device with internet connection, Student devices with internet connection
- Account needed: Only teacher needs an account
- Difficulty level: 1 (from 1 – 5 )
- GDPR compliant?
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