Main subject: Math
related subject: Languages
Duration: 180 minutes.
Age groups: Age 12
Submitted by: Sascha Abraham

Learning objectives:

Exercising a mathematical topic (e.g. linear regression) and presenting the solution.

Implemented digital tools:

iMovie, Toontastic.

Supported digital competence for student:

Communication and collaboration, Digital content creation.

Elaboration of the competences:

Students are given a sample application, they solve it and present their solutions in a video or a cartoon.


Prepared iPads with the apps mentioned above, posters etc.


Form groups, assign excercises, present the results on a poster/in a movie/a cartoon.


Students work on the assigned tasks and create a poster, a movie and/or a cartoon.


Students present their work to the class.

Implemented needed devices:

iPad, AirServer