Main subject: Math
related subject: Science, ICT
Duration: 90 minutes.
Age groups: Age 10, Age 11, Age 12
Submitted by: Kelly Kaukes

Learning objectives:

Students identify their zodiac signs. Students interpret the information they found online and about their zodiac sign. The students analyse if they can relate to how their personality is described in their horoscope.

Implemented digital tools:

Google search engine, Wikipedia

Supported digital competence for student:

Information and data literacy

Elaboration of the competences:

Students search for reliable information online.


Preparing a worksheet with all the star signs and the equivalent dates, and a gap filling exercise where students have to write down their own, their parents’, their best friend’s, their teacher’s and a freely chosen person’s birthday and zodiac sign. Printing out the worksheets. Booking the computer lab.


Teacher explains to students that there are astrologers, or celestial diviners, who believe that each of us is born in some zodiac sign, and that affects our character. Scientists do not believe this and do not consider astrology to be a science. The teacher introduces all 12 zodiac signs and hands out the worksheets. Students then have to write down their own birthday and determine their zodiac sign. The teacher then checks all the answers. The students continue to do the gap filling exercise where they have to put down their parent’s, best friend’s, teacher’s and a freely chosen person’s , birthday and zodiac sign. The teacher goes around and helps the students and eventually checks some answer in a group discussion..


Students go to the computer lab. The teacher explains that there are horoscopes that describe each of the zodiac signs. She/he further explains that next the students are going to find out what the horoscope says about their zodiac sign in the internet. The teacher reminds the students of how to use the Google search engine and how to find reliable information. The students have to find answers to the questions provided: How is your zodiac sign characterized? Is there something true about you or not in the description?


Students share what they found out and if they agree to what they read about their zodiac sign. The teacher also asks them to describe why they think it characterizes them or not.

Implemented needed devices:

A PC or a tablet